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Why Feminine Self Care?

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

Feminine care is part of upholding the essence of a woman's being. Living in times where a monumental shift of energy is taking place the divine feminine must be honored and has Awakened. Starlilly provides herbal products to support the physical and emotional state of both woman and man with the intention in maintaining healthy bodily & hormonal, fertility and reproductive function.

Yoni Love

How do you honor your divine feminine?

There are many forms of self care and we must know that first it is a state of mind where we put ourselves as first priority. Many women feel that they are much too busy to do anything for themselves other than the bare minimum, preparing for the next day to work, care for their children and families. Women are natural born healers but let me be the first person to tell you that the Healer needs Healing too! Women give out so much energy and take in and suppress so much. We carry trauma from the past that continues to go unresolved, all humans do. This is why Starlilly continues to create and offer products, services and trainings that support the endocrine/hormonal system so that we may feel supported and at our highest.

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